I want to thank you for the introduction to the poem :YOUTH OF GRASS. I'd never heard of Merwin before. And reading it I found myself swept along with it. I took inspiration from one of the lines and am thinking of using it as the title of a short Novella I just wrote. THIS SPRING ALL AT ONCE IS OVER.

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You're welcome, Ben. I love that poem. Apart from its literary merits, it almost perfectly describes one afternoon I spent in the fields near the place my brother used to live in south-west France (I think the poem was written in a different part of the country). Some of Merwin's later work disappointed me, but anyone who can write that beautifully has my undying admiration. I think the line you quote would make a good title for a book, and it would certainly make me want to read it!

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A good couple of weeks under the editor's pen should do the trick. I'll probably be putting it up sometime in April or May. In the meantime, I'm reading stories out now. You'd be great with that.

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Good luck with the editing!

I enjoy your reading of the Dawn Patrol and occasionally listen to other Substacks. But I'm still very much a reader. I don't listen to podcasts or audiobooks. I'm tempted to read stuff out but I'm yet to take the plunge.

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And that reason is why I will always have a print version of my story under the readings I do.

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Call me stingy, but I find Tokyo museums are getting too expensive for my tastes. Luckily, near my house, the Machida Museum of Graphic Arts always offers a free exhibition. Small but usually very interesting.

Excellent piece, by the way.

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