Wow, that screen!

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Beautiful paintings Jeffrey. Thank you so much for sharing them. And thank you to @Katherine May for the prompt.

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Jun 22Liked by Jeffrey Streeter


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Jun 22Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

Vote for the early screen painting. :)

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Jun 22Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

I think I like the ones with the dogs in the foreground ~ especially the one with the dog dominating the painting. Not because I love dogs so much, but because the artist obviously did.

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Thank you, Lani! It seems dogs also had important roles in Edo, to protect the neighbourhood by alerting the inhabitants to the presence of strangers.

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Jun 24Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

Love it!

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Jun 22Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

Very special. Thank you, Jeffrey.

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Thank you, Maureen!

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Jun 24Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

Thank you so much, Jeffrey for sharing this beautiful art. It’s really expanding my mind! I knew very little about Japan or Japanese art before subscribing to your posts. It’s always good to stretch yourself outside of the things that you normally like to look at or read about.

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Thanks for commenting. I'm really glad you enjoyed these works!

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Jun 23Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

That screen is divine! Thanks for resharing! I’m an early reader but missed this or more than likely, forgot! I love the values in Edo Landscape and your take on the commercial vibe is spot on. I could study that one for a long while.

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Thank you so much, Maureen! It's great to know that you enjoyed these works.

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Jun 22Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

Lovely Jeffrey. You remind me of the Japonisme exhibition at Melbourne’s NGV International gallery back in 2018. Without Japanese art, would there have been an Impressionist movement? https://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/exhibition/japonisme/

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Thank you, Michelle. That sounds like a great exhibition. Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 23Liked by Jeffrey Streeter

The captions are available at the link, and much of the NGVs collection is online, I’m told.

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Yes, it is a lot different. It has its own style and approach.

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