I enjoy the immediate call to action - book your flight for now! I wish. But the call also oozes with your current state of mind. Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing your feelings about ume (and teaching us some words!)

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Thank you! "oozes with your current state of mind" - spot on! The blossoms have a gentle narcotic effect, and they reconcile me to the cold breezes of winter - life? - better than most things.

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You could add that into the essay :)

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I mean the narcotic part!

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You're right. Is there such as thing as Writer's Regret? I better there is. :)

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Definitely. I imagine the Japanese could have a single word for it.

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Historic art prints + contemporary photography + history + a language lesson: Captivating! Thank you for this gracious start to the weekend, Jeffrey.

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Thank you for your kind words. I'm loving the plum blossom season here right now. And I'm still learning about the deep meaning of plums in Japanese culture

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The blossoms must make for very nice walks.

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Yes! worth getting up early for and braving the cold of early morning. It seems to be the best time to see the white eyes enjoying the blossom :)

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Thank you for braving the cold. You’ve shown me my first white eyes. :-)

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I saw these today too, on the plum trees: https://earthlife.net/japanese-long-tailed-tit/

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That is an adorable bird. Practically a blossom itself.

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that bird is just so quietly gorgeous!

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Thank you, Judith! I'd agree, it's a country for all seasons, partly because as you will know, the seasons are each celebrated in their own special way.

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Jeffrey, I just loved reading this — and the three friends of winter!! I think I might need to create a second set of illustrations for “Like a Garden in the Winter” now, featuring pine, bamboo, and plum blossoms 😍

That was fascinating to learn about, thank you for sharing — and your photos are stunning!

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Thank you, Candace. If you make a set of illustrations for the three friends of winter, I definitely want to see them!

I'm learning this stuff as I go along, not systematically, but with my curiosity fired by the natural beauty I see here. Today I saw these little wonders on the plum trees: https://earthlife.net/japanese-long-tailed-tit/ Unbelievably cute.

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Jeffrey, this is spectacular! The pictures - my GOD!

A friend of mine lived in Japan for three years after University (I feel like I may have mentioned that to you over email) and I remember her talking about the plum blossoms and all the going to see them...

Also, have you noticed you're on the Literature Explore page? Well done!!

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Thank you, Noha! I hope you get the chance to see them too, some time.

I hadn't noticed that I was on the explore page - thanks for letting me know, my kind virtual friend.

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I hope I do as well! Enjoy them.

And it’s so cool to see so much response to this. We need more beauty in the world 😊😊

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We do, indeed. We should be greedy for beauty.

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Thanks for teaching us about plum blossoms and their place in Japanese culture. The artwork is stunning. The work, "Old Plum" is not currently on view at the Met in NYC, and I would have liked to visit it. Perhaps there are other works with plum trees I can see.

I'm enjoying posts that combine words and pictures more and more.

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Thank you, David. Yes, I was a little surprised to see that that work wasn't on view, but I guess they have so many paintings and not enough exhibition space.

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This was such an enlightening, poetic read Jeffrey. The words, cultural and linguistic lessons, and the images were a sublime combination to experience. Thank you! I’ve only been to Japan in August and though it was beyond words, I’ve craved a return in the quieter, colder months ever since. Hoping I can squeeze just that in this time next year xx

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Thank you, Aoife. And thanks for being here. I hope you get the chance to see the country in cooler weather. August here can be brutal!

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The paintings and art you've included here Jeffrey are stunning!

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Thank you, Simon!

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This is gorgeous - I didn't realise how familiar I already was with the word 'ume' and all its echoes through the language.

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Thank you, Katherine. I'm glad to have brought the word into focus for you in this way.

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Thanks Jeffrey for the beautiful depiction of the seasons in Japan. I’m actually here now visiting for a few weeks. At first many had mentioned to wait until cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Though I’m grateful now that I get to see the beckoning of spring.

And I have already seen some Sakura around the city in parks and such.

Such lovely scenery.

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Thank you for commenting and for being here. Enjoy! You might even get to see some plums trees in snow today, if the weather forecast is correct.

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Thank you! Looking forward to exploring more.

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In relation to Jeffrey's gorgeous lines. If you are going to visit London, don't forget to visit this unique exibition. https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/galleries/japan. You will feel the spirit of Japan in Europe. I assure you. Thanks.

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Just loved the idea of the "three friends of winter" - thanks for the tour and accompanying photos.

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Thank you for joining the "tour and for your comment, Stephanie. The plum blossom is pretty much at its peak here now, which is a daily joy for me!

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What a treat!

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What a magical insight into Japanese culture! Thanks Jeffrey!

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Thank you for reading and for your kind comments, Jack!

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Captivating. As no friend of winter myself I found this essay oddly encouraging.

And despite this seasonal aversion the best our own trips to Japan have all been in midwinter!

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Thank you! And I think Japan is great to visit at any time of the year. Glad you enjoyed a winter trip here

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Wonderful stuff and beautiful photographs. Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed this.

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Thank you, James!

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'which I hope you will enjoy.' yes!

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